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Maintaining Tummy Tuck Results

Why Maintain
Tummy Tuck

The decision to have a tummy tuck is not one to be taken lightly. It may be cosmetic surgery, but it’s still surgery. While it can be a big boost to your self-confidence, it’s also a major change to your body. And let’s be honest—the tummy tuck cost is a major investment.

Aside from the decisions to have the surgery and incur the cost, you’ll need to make another important commitment—to maintain your tummy tuck results. To put yourself through a surgery and spend the money on it will all be a waste if you don’t take proper care of your body after the procedure. Before you have a tummy tuck, be sure you’re ready to do what it takes to maintain the results.

Have your procedure now, make payments later!

What Can Reverse Tummy Tuck Results?

Like most people who have this procedure, you probably had a tummy tuck because you had some excess fat and skin that diet and exercise just wasn’t going to remove. And that excess tissue likely came from having gained and then lost a large amount of weight, or possibly from one or more pregnancies. So it stands to reason that those two things—gaining weight and becoming pregnant—would be the two main things that would reverse your tummy tuck results.

Weight Gain

During a tummy tuck, fat cells are removed from your abdomen. But that doesn’t mean you can never gain weight in that area again. If you fail to follow a lifestyle that includes healthy food and regular exercise, you may find yourself right back where you were before your surgery. Not only would this be a waste of time and money, that abdominal fat can also be detrimental to your health.

In addition, if you did gain enough weight to reverse your tummy tuck results, you’d be left with a difficult decision—simply live with it, try to lose the weight through diet and exercise, or go through a second tummy tuck. Going through such an invasive surgery a second time would put even more stress on your body than the first surgery did, and there’s no guarantee your second tummy tuck results would be as good as the first surgery’s.

Your best bet is to eat a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen to avoid gaining abdominal weight again.


If you’re planning on becoming pregnant in the future, you should wait to have a tummy tuck. Not only would pregnancy cause you to gain weight, which would affect your tummy tuck results, it would result in stretching and tearing of your surgically tightened abdominal muscles.

It’s possible that you may unintentionally become pregnant after having had a tummy tuck. If this happens, talk to your doctor about how to care for your body to minimize damage to your abdominal muscles and skin, and what to do after childbirth to regain your flat midsection.

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How to Maintain
Tummy Tuck Results

A tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin, but it does not prevent you from regaining fat and possibly ending up right back where you started before you had the procedure. To ensure you keep your new, flat belly, look, you’ll need to adopt—or continue—some good habits to maintain those tummy tuck results.

Eat Healthy

Cut down on simple carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread, etc.), sugars and saturated fat. Rather than trying to eat less food, focus on eating better foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, and lean protein are essential for good health.

Stay Hydrated

Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day, although this amount may vary depending on your body size and individual needs. Talk to your doctor to determine how much water is ideal for you. Staying hydrated helps you maintain a healthy metabolism rate, aids digestion, and helps control hunger.

Don’t Skip Meals

A nutritious breakfast is the cornerstone of a healthy diet because it keeps hunger pangs at bay, helps you keep from overeating, and provides your body with an initial source of energy to get you through the day.

Eat Healthy Carbohydrates

Get your carbohydrates from whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. These are the healthiest sources of carbohydrates because they help keep your blood sugar levels balanced, preventing you from experiencing hunger and cravings, and helping you control your weight.

Eat Smaller Meals

Rather than three large meals, eating several smaller meals throughout the day helps you maintain your energy levels, and helps keep you from feeling deprived between meals. Eating smaller meals can also help you avoid overeating.

Exercise Regularly

It’s best to avoid vigorous exercise while you’re recovering from your tummy tuck procedure. However, walking slowly in the days following your surgery can help prevent blood clots and other complications. Once you’ve fully healed and your surgeon has given you the go-ahead, you may get back to a regular exercise regimen. When you do, focusing on exercises that strengthen your core will help maintain your tummy tuck results. Talk to your doctor about how much and what kinds of exercise are best for you.

A tummy tuck can help you achieve a smooth, flat midsection, but it’s an invasive surgery that takes time and costs money. Protect your investment and continue to enjoy the benefits by maintaining your tummy tuck results through a good diet, regular exercise regimen, and overall healthy lifestyle.

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