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Breast Asymmetry

What is
Breast Asymmetry?

You know the human body has two of many things—two arms, two legs, two eyes, and two breasts. What you may not know is that although those features may look identical, none of them are. One of your arms is slightly shorter than the other. Same goes for your legs. And your eyes are slightly misaligned, although they seem to be balanced. And while no two breasts are exactly alike either, for some women, this difference is very noticeable, and sometimes a cause for embarrassment or discomfort.

Breast asymmetry is also commonly referred to simply as uneven breasts, and it means just that—one of your breasts is larger than the other, or hangs lower than the other. Or maybe one of your areolas sits higher on one breast than it does on the other. Whatever the case, if this asymmetry is a concern, you have options.

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Do Breast Implants Cause Cancer?

There does not appear to be a relationship between breast implants and the occurrence of breast cancer.

As women age, the risk of developing breast cancer increases, whether a woman had breast augmentation or not. For this reason, all women aged 40 years and older should talk to their doctor about scheduling regular mammograms to increase the probability of early detection. This is especially important for women who have a history of breast cancer in their family.

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What Causes
Uneven Breasts?

In some women, it’s simply the way their bodies developed, and one of their breasts is larger or sits higher than the other for no apparent reason. However, two specific causes of breast asymmetry have been identified.

Poland’s Syndrome

Caused by a restricted embryonic blood supply, Poland’s Syndrome can result in extremely asymmetrical breasts. In severe cases, it can also cause deformed arms, or even missing pectoral muscles.

Tubular Breasts

Women’s breasts come in all shapes and sizes. Some women have tubular breasts, which are the most complex form of breast asymmetry, resulting in a drastic mismatching of the breasts. The major challenge is the tight and usually inflexible inframammary fold. Correction for this condition is usually to increase the width of the afflicted breasts.

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